DOGma Dispatch

Canine. Human. We go together like night and day, blue sky and rain. Always have. Ask any student of history and they’ll tell you that dogs have been loyal companions to humans around the globe since, well, ever. The world of dogs around the world… We are as different as the lands we walk. Our ancestry lies with the gray wolf. In spite of there being over 400 distinct, domesticated breeds, we all hold a little bit of the wild. Over time dogs have made roles for themselves in various levels in society. It’s difficult to acknowledge and yet it is true that not all dogs are treated like treasured companions. In some places dogs are a food source, and even in the United States puppy mills are a stain on the fabric of compassionate treatment. That travesty is offset by the rescue organizations that care for dogs who have special needs or need a home for different kinds of reasons. There are lots of things that make dogs different from each other - big or small, stout or fragile, calm ...