Live Your Promise: News From A Tattoo


You always said, "Never." In fact you often repeated it in a single sentence. I heard it, 

"I will never, never EVER get a tattoo."

And yet. Here we are. You got the best advice from people you trust, you got a recommendation for an artist who really cares about their craft and you KNEW what you needed to be reminded of. Every. Day.   

You've asked people for decades an insightful question. "If you needed to remind yourself of something so consistently that you wanted to tattoo it where you could see it every day...what would it be? What could be so important that you would tattoo it on your body?" Looks like you answered your own question with long-standing action. 

I know a LOT of people would have expected you to tattoo one of your two most celebrated lines from a poem of yours - LIVE WITH INTENTION or COURAGE DOESN'T ALWAYS ROAR. I happen to know you have those these metaphorically emblazoned on your heart. The reminder you chose is still fresh, still a challenge to remember. You chose LIVE YOUR PROMISE and placed it where you wore your watch for years. Now when you wonder what time it is and muscle memory prompts you to look at your see the real time. It's time to live your promise.

I'm glad you came around! Reminding you every day and going where ever you go,

Your Tattoo 


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