Thank You Note From a Monarch
Dear Em,
Of course I noticed that cheerful Pollinator Garden sign – a gift from your friends. You told them about your plan for Hunters Memorial Garden and how it was all about transformation. They brought you that sign the very next day.
I am one to completely understand the process of metamorphosis. I am honored to be the symbol of transformation for many people. It has delighted me the way you have held such wonder through all of the steps I endure to become my monarch self. Last week I was especially grateful for the time you spent checking on me and making sure my chrysalis weathered all those wind storms. It was so sweet of you to stand watch as my wings unfurled. I appreciated having protected time for my wings to dry.
Thank you, also, for recognizing that I am a sentient being. I will express my thankfulness for your care in many ways. When I fly by and linger in your garden, understand that is another way of me saying thank you.
With appreciation,
A fairly new Monarch*
*my formal name is Danaus plexippus and you can just call me
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- mary anne em radmacher©
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