Dispatch From A Dolphin

Dispatch from a Dolphin: The Friendly Factor I’m told that understanding the nature of friendliness is important to humans. Apparently there are two creatures on the planet that are considered friendlier than me: Capybara and Dog. Humans absolutely delight me - their many contradictions are absolutely fascinating. Capybara. A rodent that can grow to nearly 200 pounds and eat oh, around 8 pounds of food. A day! Rodents such as mice and rats don’t eat nearly that amount and are much smaller and more manageable to have around and yet humans don’t seem nearly as fond of rats as they are of Capybara. Dog. Although I’ve heard tell of a Chihuahua or two that didn’t seem especially friendly, I agree that Dog, generally, is really one of the friendliest creatures that comes to mind. Apparently Dolphin comes in third. I am more playful than I am competitive, so I am perfectly content with third place. I wouldn’t want to be land bound anyway so I’ve never wished much to be able to walk. If y...