Helpful Hello From Hibiscus
A Helpful Hello from Hibiscus
Hello on behalf of hibiscus. We are a hearty and perseverant family of plants. We try diligently to return to our beautiful blooms every spring after our winter sabbatical. We thrive in warm environments so those of you who shelter us indoors for the winter… Thank you for your hospitality. There are over 200 members of this Malvaceae family (did you know okra has a spot on my family tree?). We grow globally in tropical and subtropical climate. We’ve influenced some artists and even fashion designers with our beauty. Don’t let our outward appearance fool you, we are not just another pretty face. Humans have used our blooms, in fact all of us, to sustain and improve their health and environment for a very long time, longer than my memory is rooted.
We are fortunate to not have issues with over exposure to the sun as humans do. The more sun for us the better. Wind is another matter and we appreciate being kept from it as much as possible. We get our common name, “ swamp rose mellow,“ because we do best in wet soil. I know! Hot weather and wet soil sounds like a contradiction, doesn’t it? You know how it is with contrary realities, don’t you? Often it is that very thing that is best for you that is opposite of what is readily available. We make the best of it. And we appreciate both rain and gardeners who water us.
Traditionally over the centuries cultures have used us to treat all kinds of ailments. I’m going to reference a few that have been substantiated by your scientific community. We contain, among other things, lots of flavonoids/antioxidants. My dried flowers can help lower blood pressure and reduce fever. We help improve lipid levels in humans with type two diabetes. You’ll find hibiscus flowers in all sorts of herbal teas. The fibers in our stems are included in rope and burlap making. In India we are used to shine shoes. We have a lot to teach the human world beginning with not making assumptions about beauty… that which possesses beauty can offer other things besides look beautiful. We are a hard-working family, beneficial while looking fabulous!
You don’t have to dry our leaves or drink a tea to reduce your hypertension. Just pull up a chair and enjoy taking in our color, our fabric-like petals and the amazing construction of our bloom. It might just calm you right down.
Happy to say hello,
Transcribed for you by mary anne em radmacher©
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