Dear You, I’ve been trying to get your attention for days now. Rolling around on your desk is not an easy activity for me. Still, you haven’t noticed. That nagging feeling that you get when you think you are forgetting something? THAT’S me! When I am in the realm of the forgotten task or more seriously considered, the forgotten promise, I can barely make a sound. You almost heard me the day before yesterday - but then you ended up thinking you remembered to buy that spice you needed for the sweet potato casserole. Good job, by the way, remembering that! I was just disappointed that it wasn’t me that you were also remembering. Last week you remembered to pack your good pal’s birthday present so there was a chance she would actually receive it by post in time for her birthday. I was proud of you for that. And it made me hopeful you would remember me next. Alas, no. Please take note that I am trying to reinforce the behaviors that I want to see more of. You are usually so good a...