Thank You Note From a Dragonfly


Dear Mary Anne Em Radmacher,

I understand lengthy names mine being Anisoptera of the Odonata. You can call me Dragonfly. 

My family and I have followed you a long time. Since we migrate globally, you have quite the worldwide reputation...your delight with us is legendary. We appreciate that you recognize all that we have to teach and all that we do. We take our position as the most efficient insect in the world very seriously and are proud of our ancestry - 300 million years gives us a lot of story to tell. 

My reason for this note is more relevant to my immediate family and me. Your research has been noted and very much appreciated. I imagine you’ll deflect our thanks by saying it was all self interest that prompted you to plant all those Black-eyed Susan, Swamp Milkweed, and even the Joe Pye Weed. That sweet water feature was so thoughtful, too. Don’t worry about that water lily, they can be moody.

I see you named your garden “Hunter’s Garden.” So perfect. We are indeed hunters! You know very well that I eat about 100 mosquitoes a day. You’re welcome! I hope we help make it possible for you to be outdoors more. You’ve given us such a tasty and safe sanctuary and a place to call our home for a while. Please accept my personal thanks as well as thanks on behalf of Odonata everywhere. 

With a colorful hovering wing homage, 


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  1. I love it! What a sweet thank you from your dragonfly friends.


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