Outrage From Outdoor School

Do NOT confuse the authentic-always-been-here-for-you outdoor school with the 501C3 that loads humans in vehicles and takes them to a wild place to learn about the "out doors." The actual out door school has been teaching humans on the other side of their domestic doors for as long as there has been humans. And doors. Don't get me wrong. I think THAT "outdoor school" has an important place in the world of education. We are just weary of people confusing them for us. The actual out door school.

The actual out door school is always available. And always has been. The actual out door school doesn't come with a sack lunch or a scheduled lecture or craft. It does come with availability, immediacy and as many thoughtful lessons as your heart is open to hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting and touching. 

Walk out your door. There we are. All of us. We coordinate our efforts. The results are sometimes beautiful. Sometimes harsh. Sometimes inconvenient. Regardless of the nature of the outcome, there is always something to learn. 

Attend for a bit today? Go ahead. Open the door: OUT. Step into the wild weather, whatever is happening where you live. Smell. See. And know you are becoming part of a pattern that circles the globe and has a legacy perhaps beyond the years that you can count. 

It's true. We are not a recognized educational not-for-profit. In fact,  humans have been profiting off of us for...well, as long as there have been humans. We're at a bit of a resilience deficit right now but that's a story for another time. I weary of so much outrage. You, too? For today? Please. School yourself Out your Door. We wait for you. 


Out of Doors

PS Please pay particular attention today to the trees. 

Thank you. 

#couragedoesntalwaysroar #livewithintention #maryanneradmacher #maryanneemradmacher #appliedinsightdotnet
