To: Mary Ann Radmacher ( you were born without that “e” and we keep it that way)

From: Innui Malaise, Supervisor , "Fancy Random Blahs" Department (FRBD)

Dear Mary Ann,

Be informed that as of midnight we are quitting you.

We have repeatedly tried to resolve our operational differences throughout this entire last year. We found you far less cooperative than you have ever been. You’ll see in your permanent record an accounting of outstanding years when you completely responded to ALL the FRBD requests. The entire staff of FRBD are at a loss to explain your current, continuous resistance to all requisite protocols. 

You, at every turn, have rebuffed even the smallest overture from a representative of the "Fancy Random Blahs" Department. Instead there was: the nutrition, the movement (dancing the worst), those mantras, the writing (the poetry most offensive), the dog - all that wagging and walking - an insult. But all that time in nature was our breaking point. 

Clearly you are no longer suited to or suitable for all the resources and blahs we have made available, faithfully, for so many years. 

We formally curtail all departmental services and I feel compelled to add not a moment too soon.

Innui Malaise

cc:  Major Ben Melancholy



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