Dear You,
Hello! Ta-da!
It’s me, Surprise. Not a party this time, just another day. Another unusual, uncommon, unexpected, unfamiliar (extra)ordinary day. Surprise! See how I slipped in the extra into the ordinary? That’s how I roll. The more you look, the more extra you’ll see.
I hear a lot of chatter about “things getting back to normal.” Oh, how that makes me laugh right out loud. Since I frequently host parties, I hate to be a party pooper (but!) “normal” is a figment of your imagination and your culture’s imagination.
On this side of the cosmic window, it looks like a sense of “normal” brings comfort to people. I get that. Point of fact…Every. Single. Second. is unrepeatable. Sure, patterns can be identified but they do not support the concept of a normal, as much as they are steppingstones to understanding and insight.
Surprise wraps around just about every breathing second. Just because you recognize a thing doesn’t make it normal, it just means you are becoming better acquainted with the unfamiliar. Between you and me, it’s a good idea to not return to stuff that’s in your rearview mirror.
The more you notice, the more you understand that you live an extraordinary life, not a normal one. Even that route you take home all of the time is uncommonly different every time you travel it.
Still? Seriously, still you believe that you have a normal life to either go back to or move toward? Maybe you confuse habit or redundancy with normality. If you need some schooling on this, get a puppy or chat up at five year old. They will enlighten you on the surprise found in ALL your seconds. Experts sometimes call this wonder or awe.
Have a party, my friend. (Try to remember that you actually are the party.)
Surprise (sometimes spelled Surprize).
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- mary anne em radmacher©
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