An Open Letter to America's Children
Dear Today’s American Children,
I have such hopeful intentions for your lives. Your greatest adventure will be understanding this country’s history so that you can build its future better. Your own future is inextricably tied to what is to come for your country. Looking back you will see there have always been bullies, people who traded their conscience for position and their promises for power. People who have prioritized advantages and privilege for one group of people over another. There have been disinterested people, people who fought for the right to vote (and the right of others to vote), and people who believed that their vote did not matter.
Looking back you will see that unity existed only in small pockets of population and that a unified, cohesive country has always been an idea, an ideal. You have the power to move that idea forward. Just because something has always been a certain way does not mean that’s how it has to be.
You know a lot. Learn to trust your instincts. Adults forget how much they understood when they were kids. You can remember to treat young people with respect when you get older. It’ll be easier to call that to mind if you begin now the practice of journal keeping (maybe you have already started). Writing helps you know your own mind and sort through things that are hard to understand. It’s also a good way to help the adult you remember how smart and curious the you of childhood was.
I’ll write more soon.
Intentionally yours,
Mary Anne em Radmacher
Live With Intention –
Remember and Do What Matters
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